G&W blagovne znamke Genfil filtri in GPART, ki nosijo dele
Dele dobavljamo predvsem v dveh blagovnih znamkah, Genfilu in GPART -jih.
Blagovna znamka GenFil se uporablja predvsem za samodejne filtre, vključno z zračnim filtrom Genfil, filtrom kabina Genfil, filtrom Genfil Oil Fillerja Genfil Filter, Genfil Air Dryer in Genfil Transmission Filter, za domače in tujine. Genfil filtri se proizvajajo z visoko kakovostnimi filtri, ki lahko ustrezajo kakovosti OE in Premium, ki se lahko srečujejo s stroškovno učinkovito kakovostjo, ki lahko ustrezajo kakovosti OE in Premium.
The Gparts brand is for other parts except filters,it includes cooling system parts,A/C parts,suspension&steering parts,engine parts,transmission parts and others.Gparts is mainly for the abroad markets,we are building the stock system for the fast moving items,to meet the small order quantity requirement and fast delivery time.All Gparts we produced are according to the OE or premium brand requirement,they are reliable and with very best competitive price,and the quality warranty we lahko to stori z dvema leti.